
iMessage won't send on iOS 7

I had the same problem. I was typing in the subject line. Went to settings, messages and shut off the subject line! Works great now.

Apple iPhone 5 iOS 7

Your text messages can be sent as either regular text messages or iMessages. iMessages can be sent to phone numbers or email addresses if the recipient has ...

Guide for the Apple iPhone 5 (iOS7)

Your text messages can be sent as either regular text messages or iMessages. iMessages can be sent to phone numbers or email addresses if the recipient has ...

蘋果正修補iOS 7的iMessage故障問題

iMessage用戶表示,升級到iOS 7後,傳訊就經常出現問題,更新到iOS 7.0.2也一樣。蘋果則表示該問題僅影響少數的iMessage用戶,即將在未來的軟體更新中修補。

Write and send an iMessage - Apple iPad 4 (iOS7)

Your text messages can be sent as either regular text messages or iMessages. iMessages can be sent to phone numbers or email addresses if the recipient has ...

How can I load images received from iMessage? [iOS7]

This can not be done with on iOS with the iOS SDK. Due to privacy concerns Apple does not allow access to any messages received via the ...

在iPhone 上設定「訊息」

開啟iMessage · 前往「設定」 > App >「訊息」。 · 開啟iMessage。 · 若要選取你要用於iMessage 的電話號碼和電子郵件地址,請前往「設定」> App >「訊息」>「傳送和接收」, ...

關於iPhone 上的iMessage

iMessage 是一種安全的傳訊服務,你可以使用此服務在iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch 和Apple Vision Pro 的「訊息」App 上傳送和接收文字訊息。

Activating iMessage via phone number on iOS 7 beta 2?

I CAN activate iMessage if I sign in during initial setup, and choose email instead of phone, but it always fails to verify if I choose my phone ...

iOS 7 User Guide: Messages

WIth the recent release of iOS 7, a lot of things have changed. In this series of videos I go over the basics of using iOS 7 so you can get ...


Ihadthesameproblem.Iwastypinginthesubjectline.Wenttosettings,messagesandshutoffthesubjectline!Worksgreatnow.,YourtextmessagescanbesentaseitherregulartextmessagesoriMessages.iMessagescanbesenttophonenumbersoremailaddressesiftherecipienthas ...,YourtextmessagescanbesentaseitherregulartextmessagesoriMessages.iMessagescanbesenttophonenumbersoremailaddressesiftherecipienthas ...,iMessage用戶表示,...